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We Assist
your community virtual and live
We Manage
your project with dedicated experts
We Care
about you and your customers
We Build
products together with your team
Hybrid solutions

A team of online and offline experts at your side

First question to ask yourself: who are your current or future community developers and managers and what is their job description? Should your marketing manager or property manager be your community manager as well?

Managing a community means setting priorities and dividing responsibilities. The first priority is to hire a community manager to do exactly what or she should be doing: building meaningful relationships between residents and make them feel at home as soon as they arrive. Let us help you define a job description and set out tasks.

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Easy setup

Your community manager is your biggest asset for ROI

Hail to community managers! What a job. We admire them because it takes a lot to build a place powered by people. As community manager you might often find yourself in a dilemma between investor needs and the ones of your residents. So many things to do! At times you find it hard to get communication going and in other moments your mailbox keeps flooding with requests. How to keep balance between doing only what is necessary and burning yourself out?

We can help. Let us help you set up a proper weekly to-do list for activating your place. Ask assistance from our virtual community managers that you can hire by the hour. Ask our live implementation manager help setting up a clear communication channel plan and to make sure it will actually work.

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We've got you Covered

Let residential ambassadors help you to run your place

Places without a sense of belonging, are less likely to grow and be recommended. They suffer from low engagement rates and are poorly taken care of by tenants. You don't want this! As community manager it is your job to create a culture together with your residents. But that is not always easy. How to activate them in building the place together with you?

Don't forget they are actually your hidden potential. Bring them into the game to help you out and relieve you from work on the long run. We offer a plan that is set up to build ambassadors for your place and turn them into your biggest asset so that community management will become more easy on the long run.

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A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult. 

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